a brilliant website updated regulary

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Avalanche Alert!

You can see the avalanches at the ski village and the iceburg I think its to do with the new mission...

visit http://penguinchat.com/ its ok but its what gave people the idea for clubpenguin

If you are trying to hide from someone, use these hiding places for protection:
1. At the lodge attic under the bottom left desk
2. Behind the speaker in the dance club
3. At the mine shack in the trees
4. In the light bulb at the beacon
5.Behind the big box in Rockhopper's ship hold

Secret items...

Monday, July 30, 2007

It says this on the side of the Puffle-o box (In the puffle catologue there is a picture of a Puffle-o box and if you zoom in you can see it)

Also my puffle is allergic to apple sauce!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Don't forget about the new mission!

Here's a sketch of it.

Ok I have decided to show you the candy mode in Pizzatron 3000 see if you can spot this lever in the game on the start menu.

Rockhopper was given a camera...check out his journal to see what fun he had!

Get straight onto cart surfer as there is an igloo contest coming up soon...

Friday, July 27, 2007

©lubpenguin ro©ks!!

This is me working my flippers off doing this blog!!

Secret places

(click the map for clearer view)

This is the back of Rockhopper's ship
(Click pictures for better view)

Another funny picture...

Rockhopper came back with an amazing free item

Thursday, July 26, 2007

There are two new moves on cart surfer...

I have given them random names - Handstand and Subway.

Astro Barrier Secret!
1. Go play Astro Barrier
2. At the Astro Barrier menu (where it says start) press 1, 2, or 3 if you want to go to level 10, 20, or 30.

Flashing Words
This is a very simple glitch; this is all you have to do.
1. Say, “green commander of…” In the space after of you can say whatever you like.
2. Walk around while saying it.

Editing other igloos!
1. Go to your igloo
2. Click on the edit button
3. Click on yourself and with the spy phone visit HQ
4. Go to a someone's igloo that is a member. You should be able to move their furniture

Puffles without names
1. Go to the pet shop
2. Click on the puffles catalogue
3. Buy a puffle of your choice
4. Click yes
5. When you are asked to write the name press the space button
6. Press next

Here’s a fact, if your a member and you have puffles that are members only and you delete your membership. You still get to keep the puffles!

Here’s a fact, when you first enter the club penguin website, you know the picture of the town and the penguin on the top? If you click on the N of the night club the you can see how a ninja penguin looks like.

Here’s a fact, if you know somone is banned you can type in the person name on the start menu and type any password, it will tell you how long they are banned for!

If you are willing to give your password to a friend, you can both earn coins for the same penguin at the same time as long as you are in different servers!

If you have ever seen someone with a blue puffle emoticon or something above their head then you can do it to.

Here they are...

First do the letter e and then press the button in the following code.

Noise and Music Note=ET
Four-Leaf Clover=EL
Not to mention the two Punctuation signs:

(dont press e on these)


You can also make the emoticons with the keyboard:

(Now you need to press e again)

Laughing Face=E1
Smiley Face=E2
Straight Face=E3
Sticking Out Tongue=E6
Green Face=E8
Red Angry Face=E9
Sad Face=E0

That’s all of them!

Click this picture it's so funny...

Mission 4 sneak pic

Here is a sneak pic of the 4th mission